Diversity Rules Magazine

April 2016

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/660541

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5 Diversity Rules Magazine April 2016 trouble getting adult industry work, I was shocked so I offered him an exclusive contract. I've directed him in a few shoots over the past couple months. We shot a scene together last week for the first time. MD: Sounds exciting! DP: As a director, I finally get to have 100% creative control over what I produce. My new production style is a cross between artsy and raunch. I love fetish porn but I wanted to make it more cinematic. MD: If you had to choose between music and porn, which would you pick? DP: I would choose music over porn. A guy can't stay in porn forever, but if he's good, a life long career in music is possible.. Photo Credit: Anthony Meade Dominic feels he encounters prejudice on a daily basis from music industry people and club managers within the LGBT com- munity who don't understand or agree with his adult career.. Do you agree or disagree that someone's adult career should inhibit other pursuits? Go to the Diversity Rules Magazine website! Take the poll! www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Check out Dominic's Website www.djpornstar.com Ahora en EspaƱol/18+ 60 MINUTES FREE TRIAL THE HOTTEST GAY CHATLINE 1-800-614-4940

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