Better Newspaper Contest

2015 Awards

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Page 5 Judges base this highest accolade of the HSPA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest on an overall evaluation of the editorial quality of the newspaper. Judges look for the newspaper best serving its readers with all variables considered. They examine breadth and depth of coverage, quality of reporting and copy editing, news judgment and content balance, general appearance, imaginative approach to problem news areas, originality, reader interest and overall professionalism. The Blue Ribbon Award honors one daily and one nondaily newspaper, regardless of circulation size. Daily First place The Corydon Democrat Comments: Despite its small staff, the newspaper managed to put together a product that not only looked professionally laid out but had well-written, thoughtful content. It was a tight race in this category. Second place The Times-Post (Pendleton) Comments: The Times-Post has a crisp, modern layout. The use of white space, typography, headings, photography and graphics delivers an eye-catching, engaging product. The paper has a logical flow that draws the reader deeper into the paper. The writing and photography are both very good, and with a focus on local news, it feels like a hometown newspaper. Third place Hendricks County Flyer (Avon) Comments: Small paper, small staff, but BIG IMPACT. The team that puts this paper out should be very proud of their work. Designing a small paper is not easy. The paper still knows that at the end of the day, if you cannot engage the reader with your photos, headlines and layout, no matter how great the stories may be, they will fall on deaf ears. Easily one of the best designed papers, from the use of photos, typeface, headlines, and white space. Pages, especially open pages, had a clear hierarchy that also hit the points for reader engagement. A well-done newspaper that clearly has a sharp staff. Blue Ribbon Blue Ribbon Nondaily The Corydon Democrat Publisher: Jon O'Bannon Editor: Jo Ann Spieth-Saylor

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