ML - Boston Common

Boston Common - 2015 - Issue 5 - Late Fall - Julian Edelman

Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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The spirit of Boston has always been about the here and now. It's the awareness that dreams can be achieved, but the future can never be controlled. But we sure can try. After all, this is where patriots in three-cornered hats and tea party protestors spurred America's birth. Today it's our state-of-the- art laboratories, sleek corporate think tanks, and hallowed halls of academia where forward-thinking revolutionaries are building a new global future of life-saving medicines, world-changing tech- nologies, and life-enhancing consumer products that our forefa- thers could never have imagined. That revolutionary spirit con- tinues to triumph. Two years ago, professional ballroom dancer Adrianne Haslet-Davis lost her left leg below the knee in the Boston Marathon bombing. This year, she fox-trotted across the fi nish line. With that in mind, in the pages that follow, we salute the legends, leaders, visionaries, and moments that have defi ned our city in the last 10 years and keep Boston strong... and dancing. PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARK GARFINKEL, GARFINKEL.PHOTOSHELTER.COM; OPPOSITE PAGE: PHOTOGRAPHY BY F11PHOTO

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