Tehama - The Magazine

Spring 2015

Tehama - The Magazine - Red Bluff Daily News

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Thefollowingstoriesap- peared in the Daily News in late May 1915 concern- ing the eruption of Las- sen Peak. For more stories from that period, includ- ing reports of the eruption on May 22, 1915, look for a special commemorative edi- tion of Tehama the Maga- zine inserted in Saturday's Daily News. MAY26,1915 CauseofLassen eruptions There is a cause for every effect, and there are always men led either by their nat- ural bent or driven by force of circumstances, to seek out the cause of effect. The effect is neither too small nor too large to hinder in- vestigation. Even the erup- tions of Mount Lassen are not too large to discourage inquiry as to the cause. In fact there is a very consider- able number of men in the Lassen section who have satisfied themselves as to the unusual activity of this mountain, and they are by no means cranks. To them the cause is very evident, and they base their conclu- sions on long years of ob- servation and on unwritten local history handed down from generation to gener- ation. And being satisfied of the cause they naturally have a remedy to prevent the effect. Many old timers in the Lassen section and partic- ularly in the Big Meadows country, do not attribute the eruptions of this moun- tain to some unseen power or unheard of condition. They find the cause right at home. They believe that the Great Western Power Company can put an end to these eruptions. Believ- ing this, of course they be- lieve this company is unwit- tingly responsible for the activity of this old volcano. The theory is very generally held that the construction of the dam at Big Meadows and the flooding of that country has in some man- ner communicated with the interior of the once ex- tinct mountain, water com- ing in contact with a heated interior and resulting in ex- plosions. Added strength is given to this theory by rea- son of the fact that the more water there is in the big res- ervoir at Big Meadows the more frequent appear to be the eruptions of the moun- tain and the greater in in- tensity. There is more water in the reservoir now than at any time since its construc- tion. There is a well authen- ticated Indian legend ex- tant in the Lassen country that has been handed down from one generation to an- other, on which the above theory is based. It is recited that at one time Big Mead- ows was an immense lake of water. During the time that the country was flooded Mount Lassen and the now extinct volcano, Cinder Cone, were in almost con- stant activity. Then came a great earthquake that de- stroyed the lives of many In- dian tribes and so broke up the country that Big Mead- ows ceased to be a lake. Fol- lowing the disappearance of the lake Mount Lassen ceased its activity, and ac- cording to the story of the Indians it has remained ex- tinct. The erection of the big dam at Big Meadows by the Western Power Com- pany and the creation of an immense lake of water, has established the conditions that existed several decades ago with the concurrent ac- tivity of Mount Lassen. The people now residing in that section claim that the heavy storage of water twenty miles from Lassen is the di- rect cause of the present ac- tivity of the mountain, and are firm in their belief that if the water were released the eruptions would cease. They have come to look upon the dam as a menace, and contend that in case an earthquake should accom- pany a big eruption and the dam were destroyed every- thing below it would be de- stroyed. MAY 26, 1915 Many think Lassen is preparing for largest eruption in history Mt. Lassen remained quiet all day yesterday with the exception of a small amount of smoke and steam such as has been coming from the mountain at all times for several weeks. No rumblings were heard from those around the base of the mountain such as were heard Sunday and Monday. The mountain was easily observed from Red Bluff all day Tuesday and was given a careful scrutiny by many through powerful field glasses and telescopes. The top of the mountain was al- most perfectly level with a slight slope to the north, and there was no evidence of the small gap separating the two small peaks which formerly marked the sum- mit of the mountain. It was first reported that the two peaks had been blown off by the force of the eruption but later and more reliable information states that the valley was filled up to their level by outpourings from the crater. Forest Supervisor Rush- ing received a telegram from Ranger Seaborn at Big Springs on Hat Creek stating that there were now seven distinct craters on the mountain, some of which were more in the form of vents near the base of the mountain on the north side, Forest Ranger Abbey, stationed at Min- eral, who spent all day yes- terday at work repairing the telephone line between Mineral and Viola reported that something having the appearance of mud was running down the side of the mountain yesterday af- ternoon. The mountain as observed from here yester- day morning was practi- cally white but toward eve- ning it became gradually darker and at sundown ap- peared almost black. This rapid discoloration is at- tributed to the melting of snow which undoubtedly occurred as the result of the warm sunshine of yester- day, and the melting snow dampened the layers of dust causing them to turn black. Interesting reports from those who saw the eruption of Saturday come in from all sections of the Sacramento valley. It was plainly seen at Colyear Springs in the Coast Range. From there low clouds prevented see- ing the top of the smoke col- umn, it being estimated to extend at least one-fourth higher than could be seen from that point. Wm. Glines and his fam- ily were returning from a trip to their Paynes Creek ranch in Battle Creek Can- yon Saturday afternoon. They saw the eruption very clearly and when they reached the Canyon they found it full of smoke. Mrs. Glines refused to go down into the canyon and they re- turned to the Paynes Creek ranch. Albert Porta, who pre- dicted the eruption of Satur- day, has predicted another and larger eruption for to- day, and the mountain will be kept under close observa- tion all day for any sign of a second record breaker. As a result of his prediction of Saturday's eruption, which was fulfilled with such pre- cision, many people will watch for the eruption from Sacramento and other dis- tant points today. MAY 27, 1915 Mrs. Turner writes of Lassen The Press Democrat of Santa Rosa in its issue of last Tuesday morning has a very interesting and in- structive article on Mount Lassen from the pen of Mrs. J. P. Turner, now a resident of that city, but for many years living in this county. The article is so well writ- ten, and the writer's per- sonal knowledge of the Las- sen section so extensive, that it will be found to be of interest to all News readers who are seeking first hand information along that line. The writer suggests in her article the same theory as to the cause of the eruptions that were advanced in the News yesterday morning. The article follows: The theory of Mount Lassen eruption A theory derived from personal knowledge of Mt. Lassen, embracing the for- mation of the earth, its caverns, underground cur- rents, water resources and other things relative to its topography, and having long been a resident of that part of the state, and hav- ing studied the researches of scientists on the subject and finally with the knowl- edge that all dangerous vol- canoes are near the sea or near great water supplies, it seems from all probabili- ties that water flowing from some subterranean passage has backed into the bowels of Mt. Lassen with the re- sultant effect of this pres- ent violent eruption. The melting snows have always found an outlet through Feather River and its tributaries, but have never reached the great heart of the interior which has found escape through the vents of Bumpass Hell and Devil's Kitchen and various other hot springs. By way of construc- tion of great dams this has all been changed now and these waters are be- ing stored in large reser- voirs for electrical power. The Big Meadows, which is the natural course of much of these waters and other streams diverted into them from their natu- ral channels, is now a lake with various depths from two to twenty-two feet, and covering twenty thousand acres. This is not far below the elevation of the base of Mt. Lassen, which on the lake side is 4,448 feet, the old peak being nearly 6,000 feet higher and the forma- tion of the earth a porous deposit among the loose broken lave and boulders with caverns and under- ground currents, what is more probable than that these stored waters have backed and filled in such a manner to carry off the vast amount of steam gen- erated. A volcanic erup- tion was the natural con- sequence. Stop the spout of a tea kettle with the lid tight on and you will have a min- iature eruption and can readily imagine the cause of California's volcano. On the other hand, should an earthquake or anything similar force- ful loosen the dam and let these waters pour down their natural channels into the valleys below, the havoc wrought would be beyond description. The latest eruption of Mt. Las- sen has destroyed a rich, fertile country, one of the beauty spots of the Golden State. Here the people were prosperous and content. Here the tourists, hunters and anglers found their paradise — valley of per- petual green where soared the lofty pine, lakes and streams crystal clear as the snow that caused them. Here they came from the heat and toll of the Sacra- mento Valley to rest and recuperate where health and strength were always regained 'mid the pine's pure air and the life-giv- ing waters at the foot of old Mt. Lassen, which as the Indian legend runs, was raised by their God to forever shield them from harm. No more with the In- dian maiden on the banks of these clear, bubbling streams whisper to thee love for a warrior so brave and true. No more with the Indian warrior look with reverence to they crest in the clear azure blue. Thou were the pride of these un- tutored children whose home has ever been be- neath thy shadow. In leg- end their God in His fury raised thy proud form this warrior and maiden to guard. O, happy were they in their freedom to wander through thy valleys, over thy hills, looking to thee in thy triumphs, in love, in peace and in war. The elk and the antelope they caught in their snares. The wild gazelles they sought in the glad, where only the fleet-footed warrior dared go. O, why did the white man invade their fair land? Why intrude on their God- given rights and harness with iron and steel their resources? These crystal pure wa- ters of life go back in their guardian's bowels and choke up his throat with mud, ashes and steam un- til in anger he has trem- bled and belched forth great volumes of fire, de- stroying their home and its beauty and spreading des- olation afar ruined forever the crest of the mountain. The pride of the Sierra is riven asunder. The grand sentinel has fallen. LASSEN ERUPTION In the news 100 years ago PHOTOCOURTESYOFTHENATIONALPARKSERVICE The May 22, 1915eruption of Lassen Peak as viewed from downtown Red Bluff. MELISSA MENDONCA - DAILY NEWS Evidence of the May 22, 1915eruption of Lassen Peak can be viewed at the Devastated Area inside Lassen Volcanic National Park. FARMBUILDINGS•ARENAS BULK STORAGE WAREHOUSES • OFFICES SELF STORAGE RV STORAGE AIRCRAFT HANGARS PROCESSING FACILITIES COMPLETE CONCRETE AND BUILDING SERVICE License #812173 #30SevilleCt. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 345-7296 www.northvalleybuilding.com BUILDINGS RUNNINGS ROOFING SheetMetalRoofing ResidentialCommercial • Composition • Shingle • Single Ply Membrane Ownerisonsiteoneveryjob ServingTehamaCounty 530-527-5789 530-209-5367 NoMoney Down! "NoJobTooSteep" " No Job Too Flat" FREE ESTIMATES CA. LIC#829089 STOVEJUNCTION The TheNorthState'spremiersupplierofstoves 22825 Antelope Blvd., Red Bluff 530-528-2221 • Fax 530-528-2229 www.thestovejunction.com Over 25 years of experience Tues-Sat9am-5pm• ClosedSun&Mon Now Carrying! GreenMountainGrills & Accessories Serving Butte, Glenn & Tehama Counties | NEWS | REDBLUFFDAILYNEWS.COM FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 6 A

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