Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!
Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/486697
THIS PAGE: PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT ROHDE AND IVAN MEYERS (PURPLE AFFAIR); NICK FOCHTMAN (STUDIO K) OPPOSITE PAGE: PHOTOGRAPHY BY KAT FITZGERALD (EQUALITY); WALDEMAR REICHERT (BREW & BALLET) STUDIO K COMMEMOR ATED its one-year anniversary with a gathering at its West Loop space. Founder Karen Herold was on hand to mingle with the crowd, which included GT Fish & Oyster's Giuseppe Tentori. STUDIO K CELEBR ATION Klaudia Dworza ´ nczyk, Christine Zafiropoulos, and Amela Bego Tiffany St. James and Rachel Manthey Sophie Gatins, Morgan Waller, and Kelly Scott Melinda Chan and Greg Wong Andrea Varias, Paul Octavious, and Julie Purpura Jonathon Greifenkamp Emmanuel Nony and Gary Metzner Katrina Markoff and Meredith Harrigan Giuseppe Tentori David Pisor and Karen Herold Morgan Nieman and Courtney Cheatham Mark and Samantha Zisook with Doug Money MOR E THAN $72,000 was raised for the Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation at the Auxiliary Board's annual ball at the Chicago Cultural Center. Nearly 400 purple-clad partygoers indulged in Lagunitas beer and Jim Beam before moving on to an afterparty at Parliament. PURPLE AFFAIR FOR THE BEAR 78 MICHIGANAVEMAG.COM INVITED