Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn - 2011 - Issue 2 - Fall

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/39920

Contents of this Issue


Page 54 of 123

PHOTOGRAPHS BY AL POWERS (BLUSH, COUTURE); JOE DURKIN (RICHARDS) T THE COUTURE JEWELR : A se CLOCKW ROM TOP LEFT Allection ofd COUT CK ISE F AppllR LRYSH W SPARKLE HOW AR LESAT WYNN f designs by St b Stephen Webster; Absolut Peridot, a Couture Cocktail using Absolut Orient e; Richards' Pink Sapphire Lemonade with Oxley Gin; Michael Pucci with Alison Fiore; Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut Champagne with Richards' La Perle; Gannon Brousseau with Cory Fausz; Richards' Grand Citrine with Herradura Reposado Tequila; an award-winning design by Sevan Bicakci; Anastasia and Stephen Webster; Lars Bergr and Isabelle Moessner; Scott Kay's Dawn Pearson and Tiff any Kay. IIn thn t e Niche Media Style Lounge, Wynn mixologist Patricia Richards craf crafts the Aft A WYNN 53

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