Flourish Magazine

Spring 2014

Flourish Magazine, the North Bay's Guide to Sustainable Living. Serving Marin, Sonoma and Napa counties and sharing the stories of local people working towards sustainable living, organic foods and eco-conscious lifestyles.

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/276568

Contents of this Issue


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8 FLOURISH • SPRING 2014 CONTENTS FEATURES 12 Marin's Super Solar Site Why Bob Herbst turned the San Rafael airport into the largest solar installation in Marin. By Penny Popken 21 Treasure In The Woods Go on a West Marin wild mushroom hunt with sfForage. By Karen Pavone LIVE 16 Green Cleaning Sustainable cleaning guru, Beth Greer, shares her tips for safe and healthy spring cleaning. By Nancy Sands Johnson EAT 28 Farm-To-Table Trailblazer Chef Christian Caiazzo of Osteria Stellina shares his thoughts and recipes. By Leslie Harlib 36 Two Takes On Tea Two local purveyors share their passion for tea. By Nancy Sands Johnson BREATHE 41 From Junk To Cool Local artisans create new art from repurposed junk. By Judith Wilson 49 A Visit To The Barlow Explore Sebastopol's new sustainable business district. By Leslie Harlib 54 Spring Events Calendar Our picks for spring fun. ON THE COVER Emebet Bellingham Korn of Desta Epicures Guild displays a sampling of her certified organic and certified Fair Trade teas and tea blends outside her shop in San An- selmo. Enter to win a Gift Box of organic single estate and custom blend teas from Desta! Enter at Facebook.com/FlourishMarin

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