Diversity Rules Magazine

May 2023

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1498245

Contents of this Issue


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Jim Koury is a seeker of personal truth, and desires to empower oth- ers to find their own personal truth, whatever it may be. He is also an ac vist who is not afraid to speak his mind, and ruffle some feath- ers, if necessary. His main objec ve is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristotle's mantra, "It is the mark of an educated mind to en- tertain a thought without accep ng it." Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish. Welcome to the May ssue of Diversity Rules Maga- zine. Time is marching on! But the good news is that warmer weather has finally arrived. This month's issues features the groundbreaking work of photographer Marie e Pathy Allen in her "Breaking Boundaries: 50 Years of Images" exhibit. Marie e Pathy Allen has been photographing the transgender community for almost 50 years. Through her ar s c prac ce, she has been a pioneering force in gender consciousness, contribu ng to numerous cultural and academic publica ons about gender vari- ance and lecturing worldwide. From June 1 to July 30 (opening on the evening of June 3 from 6-9pm), Cul- ture Lab LIC will celebrate Marie e's work with the exhibi on Breaking Boundaries: 50 Years of Images alongside another exhibi on with work by other art- ists inspired by, or in the spirit of, Marie e's work tled Breaking More Boundaries. The la er will fea- ture invited ar sts Zackary Drucker and Jess T. Du- gan. These exhibi ons are part of Culture Lab LIC's cel- ebra on of Pride Month and are curated by Orestes Gonzalez and Jesse Egner. Most of the photographs featured in Breaking Bound- aries: 50 Years of Images were made in the US. Also included within the exhibit is a sec on on transgen- der women in Cuba and Spirit Mediums (who may be women, gay men, transgender, or non-binary) in Burma and Thailand. Make sure you check out the many other interes ng features in this month's issue, as well. Have a great spring, and we will see you next month! My Two Cents A Message From The Editor James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine | May 2023 | 3

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