Diversity Rules Magazine

October 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1415960

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Diversity Rules Magazine|Oct 2021 | 21 Self-Care - Con't from page 19 away for a while now. Then, recently, they staged an in- terven on where they expressed their legi mate concern for my health and shared what they observed happening to me during those mes that I couldn't step away. I hate that it took this to resonate with me, but I imme- diately deleted the apps for a week. I also plan to take a longer hiatus soon. I'm so glad they did. That me off helped me reevaluate my priori es, my life, and how I want to navigate my life as a creator going forward. I know it sounds impossible, but look at your calendar, and take a chunk of days where you will do no social media whatsoever. Do it every few months if you can. Your brain and spirit will thank you. 5. Find Other Ways to Connect and Fill Your Social Cup: When social media first came out, it was addic ng. We could see what all our friends were up to in real me. We could talk to them at any me, connect with them, and we s ll can. But now, social media also includes influenc- ers, companies, creators like yourself, as well as a host of trolls and others who want to take your me and at- ten on. It's all in the mix, and meaningful connec on is becoming harder to find on social media, especially as a creator. Find IRL or virtual ways to make meaningful connec ons with people you care about that are outside of social me- dia. Whether it's a weekly zoom with your friends, a cra guild, a local charity, or even a regular phone call with your friends, take the me, and make the me, to have a full, connected life outside of social media. 6. Make a "Help, I'm Overwhelmed" List of Ac vi es You Can Do: In those mes when you're in the throngs of so- cial media and something becomes emo onally heated, or too much, take some real me away from your screen, even if only for a half hour. Here are some reset-tasks to help your brain gain some me away and perspec ve: - Take a walk. Even if it's just around your house, or around your yard, or down the street, get away from your desk and observe something outside of a screen. - Care for something. Pet your dog or cat. Water your plants. Go get the mail, if you don't have anything to care for. - Ask yourself what you need. Maybe you need a snack, a bio-break, a nap. Look a er yourself for a few minutes and see what you need. - Go talk to someone. Talking to others can be a good way to get your mind off your work. 7. Have a Hard Limit for Topics You'll Publicly Discuss & Debate: Your public social media is personal and the con- tent you create is just that; yours. You get to decide what topics you want to talk about and engage your audience with. You don't have to field every ques on, or engage ev- eryone who does not agree with you. Especially if you're a minority creator; you owe no one anything. If you're a person of color, if you're a woman, if you're trans, if you're gay; you don't owe anyone an explana on of your- self. Your iden ty is yours and while you may choose to talk about it, you do not have to take any crap that any- one gives you about it. You are free to block those people, to have your admins block those people. Have zero toler- ance for any "would be fan" who "just wants to debate or make a point" that you personally find phobic to your iden ty. 8. Keep Your Private Life Private: Se ng boundaries with your audience is a good way to regain a sense of control. You don't have to tell them what you don't want to talk about, but you should be very aware of what you won't discuss. Decide what about your private life you don't need to talk about. Consider topics like your personal history, your family, your kids, your mental health, your physical health, your struggles, etc. It's your life. You don't owe anyone a private window into your inner self. If you're sharing informa on about your spouse, partner, kids, or friends, make sure you have their permission. 9. Have a Pla orm Where Fans Can Support You Financial- ly: Especially if you have lean months, having a pla orm like Patreon, where your real fans can send you a couple bucks a month, can make a big difference. Find crea ve ways to incen vise your fans, with fan-only content that is relevant to your content and brand. Remember, being a creator can be a long haul. Conscious self-care can mean the difference between success and burnout. I hope you ac vely choose self-care. I hope you find these ps useful and I wish you the best on your con- tent creator journey. About the Author: Mathew Boudreaux, AKA Mister Domes c, is a social cra ing powerhouse on a mission; to build an inclusive community that spreads love and joy through cra ing. Although Mathew began sewing at a young age, his par- ents' an quated gender binary expecta ons discouraged him from fully expressing himself. But in 2013, a er their daughter was born, Mathew's spouse gi ed him classes from "Modern Domes c" and it rekindled Mathew's love of sewing and cra ing. Soon Mathew was combining his love of cra ing with his Portland State MBA and using the power of social media to create an inclusive brand all his own. Today Mathew is a fabric & pa ern designer, sewing instructor, owner of the new online sewing school SEW U, an inspira onal speaker, consultant, and global influencer with his TikTok, YouTube & Instagram each set to surpass over 100,000 subscribers this year. For more about Mathew, visit: h ps://misterdomes c.com

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