ML - Boston Common

2013 - Issue 3 - Summer

Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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Breguet, the innovator. Invention of hand-guilloché dials, 1786 Around 1786, Breguet created a resolutely new style by introducing dials adorned with gold or silver guilloché work. Today, this form of authentic hand craftsmanship is still one of the distinctive characteristics of a Breguet watch. A heritage proudly perpetuated in the Classique 7337BR model with its silvered gold dial adorned with five different hand-guilloché patterns. History is still being written… T7337-BostonCom_508x304.indd Toutes les pages 47491.indd 2 6/11/13 10:26 AM

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