Washington County Weekend Post

May 22, 2020

Washington County Weekend Post e-edition

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GMTODAY.COM SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2020 • WASHINGTON COUNTY POST • 5A Whether your dog is an active puppy requiring a mile of jogging each day or a lazy pooch that likes to sit around most of the day, exer- cise and mental stimulation are important for all dogs. And the truth is, exercise is also good for you. However, sometimes life gets in the way of us trying to stay in shape. As a respon- sible pet owner with a busy schedule, you might consid- er a dog walker. These pro- fessionals come to your home — most likely when you are away at work — to ensure a healthy dose of exercise for your favorite four-legged friend. Read on for more infor- mation on dog-walkers and how to find the perfect local service for you. The search Your dog walker should be someone you can trust. After all, you're giving them access to your home and trusting them to take care of your beloved dog. That's why, when searching for the right professional service, trust and safety should be your two top concerns. When interviewing dif- ferent dog walker candi- dates, be sure to ask about their experience, cost and availability. If their schedule doesn't work out with your dog's exercise needs, then they probably aren't the right fit. On the other hand, if a local dog-walking service has great availability but comes with a higher cost, it may be worth it to pay the extra money for the logisti- cal benefits. Always be prepared with some specific questions when interviewing potential dog walkers. They should include the following: • How many clients do you currently serve? • How long have you been in the business? • How long will you spend with my dog on each walk? • Are you licensed, bond- ed and insured? • Can you provide a list of client references? The partnership Once you've found a great match, be sure to give your dog-walker some important information, including: • Your contact informa- tion, including phone num- bers and email addresses. • Veterinary information. • Information and instructions about medica- tion. • Feeding instructions. • Alarm code and instruc- tions for your home. • Location of supplies, food and treats. Dog walkers Looking for a home service that will be good for both you and your pooch? A dog-walking professional may be the perfect service for you. Are you facing a leaking faucet, backed up garbage disposal or failing electrical outlets that you simply don't have time to repair yourself ? It may be the perfect time to hire a local handyman. You can find them online or through your local news- paper's classified ads, but wherever you find them, make sure to vet a few before signing any contracts. Independent or company- run handyman services usu- ally have an hourly rate plus material costs. Depending on your scope of work, it may be best to combine multiple jobs into one visit if it makes sense for your budget. What does a handyman do? Handymen typically have experience in construction services and home repair. You should be able to find services that specialize in specific areas, including car- pentry, electric work, paint- ing or plumbing. Make sure you ask for their expertise and to align their skill set with your home needs. Otherwise you may end up paying someone for something they are not equipped to do. How do I know they are qualified? There is no set national standard or regulation for handymen or similar ser- vices. Licensing and regula- tion vary by state, so be sure to check what your state requires of home service repair professionals. Always ask any service professional entering your home if they are licensed and insured, and whether they offer any kind of warranty on their work. You need confidence that if something goes wrong with their repair job, you won't be left on the hook to pay for it again. Is it affordable? If you have a few projects in need of completion, you could hire specific contrac- tors, plumbers and painters for each job. Or you could hire a handyman service, which might be cheaper in the long run. On the flip side, hiring a handyman at an hourly rate to take on a large-scale, long- term remodel may not make sense for your budget. It's all about knowing what you need and finding the right professional for the job. Take your time to research your home service need, and then vet multiple services to get the most out of your dollar. Hiring a local handyman

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