Diversity Rules Magazine

February 2020

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

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4 Diversity Rules Magazine February 2020 Empowerment is one of those catchwords we hear a lot about now. We read and hear about it from many self-help gurus, and others, that we must em- power ourselves to achieve great things, and to dig deep within ourselves to find out how. What exactly is empowerment? As per Google, it is "the process of be- coming stronger and more confi- dent, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights." That is all well and good, but the answer on how to become stron- ger and more confident in con- trolling one's life and claiming one's rights is much more elusive. If we add being LGBTQ or just sim- ply "queer" into the mix, doing so becomes even much more challeng- ing. Since Diversity Rules Magazine is focused on the issues impac ng our queer brothers and sisters, I shall keep the focus of this essay on a par cu- lar aspect of empowerment – "Empowering Queer." For the purpose of this essay, I am simply going to use the word "queer" since it is the label with which I relate to the best. I know many within our community have an aversion to the word, since, to many, based on their age, it can be perceived as a derogatory slur. However, the word has been re- claimed by many and has been embraced as a posi- ve descrip on of who someone is and what they represent. I am one of those people. To me, the ac on of taking back a word that was once deemed derogatory, and to start using it affirma vely is one of the best ways to take the weapon of words away from those who wish to degrade, defame and rele- gate others to a less than desirable status. So if you are offended by the word "queer" and stop reading this essay because of it, then that is too bad. I sug- gest you keep an open mind and con nue reading for a bit longer. Empowering queer can be one, or both, of two things. It can be that which relates to queer- ness generally, as it relates to the broader popula on. It can also be that which re- lates to a par cular queer person indi- vidually. I shall address both of these condi ons. We as a group must empower one another. In this day and age of Trump, and the extremism which goes along with the toxic man, and those who support him, it is up to all of us who relate to being queer to stand in unison with one another and work for our com- mon good. Empowerment comes in numbers. There is something to be said about those within a mi- nority group standing together with a common voice, expressing and de- manding equality, fair treatment, and just all-around respect for each other as human beings on this planet Earth, our only home we have as a collec ve body of people. We are all in this crazy world together, so why not stand hand-in- hand to achieve benefit for the greater good, thus advancing the rights of not only a par cular minor- ity group but those of all who are oppressed and downtrodden? It really is the human thing to do. Many that circulate around and about us seem to have lost their compassion for others, and the re- spect that goes along with it because of life-long prejudices, and fears that have been inflamed by the putrid man who sits in the White House. Rac- ism, prejudice, and fear of others who are different have always been with us, but when there is a high- ly polarizing, and visible figure si ng in the White House spewing that which is related to the worst of our humanity, it unfortunately, takes on the ap- pearance of being a widely accepted paradigm of EmPowEring QuEEr By Jim Koury, Editor/Publisher

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