Negocios Now


Negocios Now is the Hispanic Business Publication in Chicago with National Distribution

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Page 4 of 51 November 2019 5 Accenture Strategy consultant Age: 27 Bio: Adriazola is a strategy consultant for Accenture, a glo- bal consulting firm, specializing in customer insights and growth strategies. His expertise has be- nefitted global Fortune 500 com- panies in the technology, retail, consumer goods, oil and gas, and life sciences industries by helping them increase customer satisfac- tion, grow revenue, and reduce costs. He works alongside clients to understand their needs, spark innovation, and develop solu- tions that bring their vision to life. At Accenture he leads pro- fessional development efforts for the Hispanic American Em- ployee Resource Group in New York, is heavily involved with national I&D recruiting initia- tives, and has performed pro- bono strategy engagements with non-profits such as the National Museum of Mexican Art, the As- sociation of Latino Professionals for America, and Prospanica. He also serves as a mentor through Junior Achievement, an organi- zation that delivers experiential learning programs on work re- adiness, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship to underre- presented students ages 5 to 25. As an immigrant and a first- generation college graduate, he understands the value of mentors- hip, access, and representation. He is an ambassador for One Young World, a premier global forum for young leaders, and has represen- ted Accenture in the 2017 summit in Bogota, Colombia, and the 2018 summit in the Netherlands. Before coming to Accenture and while completing his undergra- duate degree, Adriazola worked in marketing and sales development at Cardinal Health, US Bridge, Na- tionwide and Western & Southern Life. He was part of the Fisher Ex- change Program, the Ohio Export Internship Program, and served as president of the Hispanic Business Student Association. He graduated with honors from The Ohio State University's Fisher College of Bu- siness and was awarded the Pace Setter recognition. He was born and raised in Peru, and educated in the United States and Hong Kong. WORDS OF WISDOM: "E very single one of us is full of talents and virtues. We only need to set our sight on something great, something that we can be proud of, and give our best to achieve it" Gonzalo Adriazola Making goals a reality

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