Diversity Rules Magazine

July 2019

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

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21 Diversity Rules Magazine July 2019 work make good job for deaf.'" Like many LGBTQ and disabled people of that me, Galloway carved her own path into the arts. With the help of friends, she sought out or created spac- es that would welcome people like her. "Places with people who didn't think of me as a waste of me because I couldn't hear or talked with a kind of muffled lisp," she said. "And from there I started to write pieces that spoke to the experienc- es of people like me — that's when I started doing my solo shows." In 2009, Galloway published her memoir, "Mean Li le deaf Queer," which has become a cult classic among people with disabili es. Celebrated lesbian author Dorothy Allison called it "a damn fine piece of work that is unbelievably powerful." Author Ken- ny Fries included it in his ar cle on LitHub tled "8 Books That Move Disability from the Margins to the Center." "She gives us what we are rarely given in literature: a fully dimensional disabled person, warts and all," Fries said. Just a year a er the release of her groundbreaking memoir, Galloway received a cochlear implant — a process not all deaf people are eligible for. And even Galloway herself was ini ally unsure it would work. The surgery allowed Galloway to gain signifi- cant hearing and her latest show, "You Are My Sun- shine," is about her experience of nego a ng the world of sound. Galloway iden fies as being a "li le d" deaf, omni- sexual, happily married, female-ish ar st/ac v- ist. Along with her partner, Florida State Univer- sity communica on professor Donna Marie Nudd, Ph.D., she splits her me between Aus n, Texas and Tallahassee, Florida. The couple also co-directs the Mickee Faust Club — an arts nonprofit that creates performance op- portuni es for marginalized communi es through workshops. "I love Mickee Faust," said Galloway. "I love playing the head rat, Mickee Faust, who is supposedly the sewer dwelling, cigar chomping, beer guzzling, foul mouthed, rat bastard brother of that other more fa- mous unctuous rodent in Orlando." To learn more about the Mickee Faust Club, visit h p://www.mickeefaust.com. To follow Galloway's other projects, check out www.theterrygalloway. com. Advertise Today! Diversity Rules Magazine is an indepen- dent gay press that relies on the support of those who support its mission. Advertising in Diversity Rules Magazine is one of the best ways to support indepen- dent publications. Your advertising support will also help help Diversity Rules spread its messge of respect for diversity and help to empower individuals to look inside them- selves for answers about who they are and what their purpose is in life. www.diversityrulesmagazine.com

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