Diversity Rules Magazine

February 2019

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1077756

Contents of this Issue


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20 Diversity Rules Magazine February 2019 Belo Cipriani is an award-winning author and prize-winning journalist. His new book, Firsts: Coming of Age Stories by People with Disabilities, is available through every online retailer. Learn more at www.belocipriani.com and www.olebbooks.com. Some people prefer to communicate with words, while others find images more telling. For San Francisco resi- dent Kurt Schwartzmann, 54, and a gay man, drawing has always been a way to share his thoughts with the world. "I've always loved to draw," said Schwartzmann. "My parents -- retired educators -- encouraged my artistic abilities." Schwartzmann used his creative talents to launch a 20-year career as a professional pastry chef and baker. While things were good for some time, it all changed in 2006 when CMV retinitis, a complication of AIDS, attacked his left eye. e virus severed the optic nerve and slowly and painlessly, he began to lose his vision. "One day the doorbell rang, I went to answer, and re- alized that I could not see anything through the peep- hole with my left eye," he shared. Life became even more complicated when, in 2008, he lost his housing and found himself living on the streets. "A MUNI operator showed me a great kindness," Schwartzmann said. "She allowed me to board her bus and sleep when I had nowhere else to turn, even though I had no money to pay the fare." e display of compassion the MUNI driver showed Seeing In The Dark A Tribute To San Fran Transit By Belo Cipriani

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